Wednesday, 10 April 2019

What High Intake Of Sodium Can Do To You?

Before we ask someone to stop taking salt in their food, it’s necessary to figure out – how much of salt (sodium) intake is bad for your body.

Most people take salt with everything they eat, apart from sweet dishes. An average adult consumes approx. 3500 mg sodium every day. The AHA, USDA, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that adults shouldn’t take more than 2300 mg sodium in their day to day life. People with a high intake of sodium in their diet have been found battling conditions such as hypertension, which further can cause a plethora of fatal health conditions.

Hypertension and sodium intake

According to recent health guidelines, you can treat hypertension and lower your systolic blood pressure by reducing the daily salt intake to 2400 mg. Researchers believe that if you can reduce your salt intake by even 3 grams daily, it impacts your morbidity and mortality rate. Studies say that it can reduce the chances of heart diseases by 6%.

How to avoid?

You can start by avoiding foods that are salt heavy. Also, avoid eating processed foods, as studies show that 80% of excess dietary sodium intake comes from processed foods. So, avoiding fast foods from restaurants can have a huge impact on lowering your sodium levels. It is also found that the food at restaurants contains 4 times more sodium than recommended daily intake.

To keep your blood pressure in control and avoid heart-related diseases, you must control your daily sodium intake. You can always eat fruits and vegetables. There are medicines that can help control your blood pressure and neutralize excess sodium intake. You can buy them via your free prescription discountcard. However, we would recommend you to avoid the excess sodium first. Also, you must do at least 30 minutes of exercise daily and drink plenty of water.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

How Parents Can Prevent Their Kids From Drug Abuse

Opioid overdose is the second leading cause of accidental deaths in the US. 

Most of these drugs are found at home. You never which medicine your child might find tempting. This is a serious issue and parents must keep an eye on their kids. Here are some points that can help parents to prevent their kids from drug abuse.

What should parents do?

  • Avoid bringing prescription medications in your house unless they’re required to treat a serious cause of pain. If you do need narcotics, fill a prescription for a small supply, and keep track of it.
  • Avoid giving painkillers to your kids for chronic pain. Rather try heat, massage, or physical therapy to treat pain. Depend on painkillers if the pain gets severe.
  • Destroy unused prescriptions. Take preventive measures to to dispose of prescription drugs properly. It’s not a good idea to throw prescription pills in the toilet or sink.
  • Keep prescription drugs such as especially narcotics, tranquilizers, and ADHD medications hidden or locked up.
  • Most important use prescription medications as prescribed by your doctor. You can use free prescription discount cards to buy your prescription drugs and to save your money. In this way, hefty prices of medications will not burn a hole in your pocket.
  • Moreover, don’t monkey around with saving pills, just use Rx cards to buy your prescription medications and to save money.

  • Make sure to talk with your kids frankly about medications and how they can experience serious side effects.
Protecting teens from drug abuse isn’t about keeping drugs out of reach of your kids. You really need to help understand about medicines, their benefits, and their side-effects. It’s more of helping them to develop their own sense of respect for these medications, so they continue to make good decisions throughout their lives.